You need a Health Representation Agreement which allows you to appoint a Health Representative. We have two important documents for while we’re alive. A Power of Attorney appoints somebody for legal and financial matters, and a Health Representation Agreement appoints a person to step in, manage you, and make decisions for you when you can’t make your own decisions.
When we’re aging, none of us knows how we’re going to age. We don’t know what or if is going to happen and when it’s going to happen. By appointing a person, you are allowed to be in charge of who’s going to be able to step in and manage your most intimate health needs.
People who really should be appointing a Health Representative are people who are advancing in age, who have serious health risks or current issues, or if they’re in a blended family. A blended family is where you have a second marriage or second relationship, and you have kids from previous relationships.
You do not want family dynamics or power dynamics to come into play. You need to really appoint your spouse, your kids, or somebody that you trust to step in and manage for you when you can’t manage yourself.
Contact Carter Notary today to find out how we can help you with your Real Estate, Notarization, and Estate Planning needs.