Ice Cream Values (Part 2)

The response to last years “Ice Cream Values” article was tremendous, and so many of you shared how connected you felt to adopting these ice cream values in your own life.

Since then, I’ve been working on listening to my own advice. I even booked a week off to go to a little cabin in the interior, followed by a road trip with a friend with no particular destinations in mind.

This is my first time off in the summer that’s strictly “Do not Disturb” in over a decade. I’ll be focusing on my sleep, fun, family, and balance. In other words, I’ll be focusing on ice cream values (and might even get some ice cream on the way!)

Ice Cream Values include:

  1. Taking Time to Slow Down: In a fast-paced world, we often forget to slow down and savour life’s simple pleasures. Ice cream provides the perfect opportunity to pause, indulge, and enjoy the moment with loved ones.
  2. Changing Mental Focus for a Happier Experience: Embracing a more positive outlook and finding the good in any situation can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. I have had some difficult life experiences and the only way forward was often to seek out the learning opportunities they presented, which then helped me see the good in the experience overall.
  3. Being Present: The ice cream parlour was a place where people gathered, engaged, and truly lived in the moment. Being present with others fosters genuine connections and enriches our lives.
  4. Sleep: The number one thing you can do is get more sleep. Give into your afternoon cravings for a cat nap!

To celebrate ice cream and its power to bring joy, I once again present “The Ice Cream Trail,” a list of handcrafted ice cream and treat locations on the South Island. So, go ahead and explore these delightful spots, and perhaps invite someone along to share in the happiness.

Ice cream values don’t stop once you leave the ice cream shop. After ice cream, I encourage you to treat yourself to a tea, coffee, or walk to continue this joy.